I just finished this book by Sara Gorman. It was GREAT! I really enjoyed it and have TONS of highlights and virtual "dog ears". Not only was it a book that was positive, but it really hit home with me. I purchased for my Blackberry (Kindle) and wish that I had bought the paper version so I could have it in front of me, the electronic books are still new for me! If you would like to check out her book, you can check out her blog as well HERE.
One of the things that I took away from her book was to make a "symptom journal". I have been doing something like that in my "Healthminder" journal, which is great, but it was just a little too much writing for me. Not to mention I have filled one full journal already, so I was looking for a way to conserve paper as well as make it easier on me. I copied some of her info from her example, added some of my own, and now have a Symptom Journal that's on 1 sheet of paper front/back that all I have to do is check everything. Here is a sample of what hers looks like..

She is a great source of information, filled with helpful hints and has a very positive attitude about living life with Lupus/Chronic Illness! So check her out, you won't be sorry!
We have had some CrAzY weather here in the South lately, which is NOT good for my Lupus! I am still waiting on my 6-month wait with no health insurance before I can apply for Access TN. It is an insurance that I do NOT have to qualify for, but still pay monthly premiums as well as co-pays...but I guess something is better than nothing at this point. I was able to get a little help on some of my prescriptions through a Rx program! Now if I could just find a way to get all of my wonderful supplements even cheaper!
On the family life side....it too has been CrAzY! My dear hubby is in another city, 90 miles from us during the week, and comes home on weekends. We have been doing this for about 3 months now and have 4 more to go until we will all be under one roof again! I am very blessed with a teenage daughter that helps with her 2 younger sisters. I seriously don't know how I could even function without her help. I have an 11yr old daughter as well as a 6yr old. They are all wonderful girls and each help Momma in their own way. My sweet hubby comes home on Friday nights and does housework, grocery shopping and cuddling during the weekends and than heads back out on Monday morning. He is a God send! I really appreciate all of his help!
Sorry if I am jumping back and forth...I am suffering from Lupie fog today and I keep losing my train of thought :) So today was my youngest daughters 6th birthday! My Mom took her lunch and ate with her at school than went back at snack time and took cupcakes and juice for all the children in her class. I am very thankful that she was willing and able to do so. Today was not a very good day for me...the weather went from 70 to 2o's in less than 36hours....my bones are protesting! I was able to get dressed and brushed my hair/teeth...but that's as far as I got today. Sometimes I really find it hard to stay positive....but I am trying to find the "good" in everything....so today's good is that my Mom got to spend some much needed time with her youngest Granddaughter and I got to snuggle and tuck her in tonight after looking at the pics that my Mom took today at school...a great BIG THANK YOU!
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