God only gives exceptional people Lupus; the ordinary ones can't handle it. -Dynamo

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bad Day :(

So today I had a really horrible, emotional day. I cannot even blame it on the was nice and sunny and not too cold/hot. My DH was home for the weekend and we had "words". I hate fighting with the hubby...nothing good ever comes out of it. We have been super stressed lately regarding our living separately until the school year is over, the upcoming move out of town, kids, money, kids, housework, kids, and did I say kids! We have 3 girls that can all be very sweet and very NOT! Lately we have been dealing with a Bi-polar child and that in itself is difficult, throw in a 6yr old sassy pants and a 16yr old drama queen and you can just imagine our house! Well, it finally hit me today and I was really rather ugly. I said some mean things that could have been said in a much nicer way and for that I am sorry. I was so full of emotions and struggled with finding the right way and words to get it out...obviously I didn't do it well. The hubby is in another room ignoring me :( I am sure we will get over it, we have been together almost 20 years, but I still don't like the strained atmosphere.

I have been feeling fair to poor lately. The weather has been doing funny things lately and with body has been too. I have had lots of additional emotional stress and it is taking a toll on my body. I cannot imagine that 1 year ago I was going through all this and working! There is no way that would work now. My day consists of taking girls to school, coming home and sleeping(trying to), picking girls up, trying to help with homework, trying to either cook or supervise the cooking of dinner, supervising bath time, bed time and than trying to get comfortable enough to go to sleep so I can start it all over again. Whew...wears me out just typing it! Oh and of course you cannot forget all the drama 3 girls bring into the house daily from school/friends!

Maybe I need to make an appointment with the doc and see about changing my depression meds...the Celexa is not working as well as the Cymbalta did. But with having no insurance right now that's easier said than done! Plus the Cymbalta is 3-4 times the amount of $ that I can get the generic Celexa for. I am kind of in a holding pattern right now until I can sign up for health care. Since I am uninsurable, I have to sign up for something called Access TN for people who cannot get health insurance the regular way due to their health. The problem is you have to wait 6 months without insurance before you can do stupid! So I can send my application in at the end of April, than hopefully once I get it I can have a good appointment with the doc before we move and try and get some of these meds figured out.

(((Soft Hugs)))

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