Well, as you can tell by the time stamp on this post it is early in the am on Saturday. I am still up since I didn't make it into bed by 10pm. It is so weird, I can sleep anytime during the day, all I have to do is sit still for a moment and I am out. Yet, I have such difficulty sleeping in the evening.
So, my family is in bed and my DH has recently put Netflix on our Wii, so I start flipping through movies. I came across this one in the "Emotional Drama based on a real life" section. Sounds like a good chick flick to me! So I pick this one called, 'What Makes A Family'. Seems to be off of the "B" list since I have never heard of it before. It has Dean McDermott (yum), Brooke Shields & Whoopi Goldberg in it. It's from 2001, so not too far back. So I start watching it and realize about 15 min into the movie it is about "alternative lifestyles". Well, okay I really don't have an opinion on that, other than it's not right for me.....so anyway, Brooke Shields character's partner comes down sick after delivering their baby. You will never guess what it was! LUPUS!!! Holy smokes! So of course I have to finish the movie! At first I was excited to see it played out on TV, than I was mad because it almost seemed exaggerated a bit. The next emotion was worry, sadness...hoping that my disease would not progress as hers did. It showed how she was trying to come to terms with not only the disease, but the medications & their effects, financial strain, relationship strain and some of the problems I have everyday with parenting a small child while having Lupus. Bravo! I hope to see more in future about this disease, maybe than we can get some more funding for research for a cure!
So today was pretty quiet for this Lupie. I got up early this morning before everyone else and had some toast and read for a little bit before the little ones got up. It was nice, but only lasted about 10 minutes! The girls and I stayed inside today as it was HOT and HUMID...not good for me. My DH came home and we (he loaded I supervised) loaded things up for a garage sale in the morning at my Mom's house. Luckily my DH understands that 7am and sun doesn't work well for me, so he is going to be a dear and do the garage sale with the kiddo's. I am going to get some much needed rest :)
I have been reading a great book on Adrenal Fatigue and in the book it has many great suggestions for not only supplements, which I take and highly recommend, but it also talks about certain foods to avoid and include in your diet. So, I AM ADDICTED TO DIET PEPSI....there I said it! My cells float in Diet Pepsi/Coke, I am not too picky as long as it has ice and it's cold! I have never been much of a water drinker, so I wake up and grab a soda and drink it all day long. I have recently switched to no caffeine, hoping to help with my sleeping problem! Unfortunately cutting out the caffeine so quickly I have been dealing with a horrible headache. Ice packs seem to help a little :)
We got the news that we will be moving at the end of the month....days before we leave for the beach! I hear a flare coming on! I am going to try and pace myself and except help getting this house packed and ready for the guys to move. Before Lupus started dictating most of my life, I used to be able to pack up a house and have it all organized in a day, no I did not grow up in the military, just picky! I know I will have to not be such a control freak, just sit back and pray nothing gets left or broken. Oh well, they are just things!
Oh, the local SS office called today and asked a few more questions. He said that my application was very thorough and that he would be sending it to the "decision makers" today. I am not going to get too excited, I am almost expecting to be turned down, most people do. I have spoken with a great attorney before I even filed and he said to just file and if they turn me down to come on in and we will compile a case. I so dislike this....trying to have a Lupie remember dates, times, all these things just make me more confused...help I am lost in a Lupie fog!
Well it's time for this Lupie to try to get some sleep. Not much done today, just another day but I am alive and surviving!
Luus and Sleep: Focus on Increasing Restoration
1 month ago
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